Names and Hero Markers of Kentucky Fallen Heroes are listed below in alphabetical order. Simply click one the Hero name below and GPS coordinates should show exactly where your Fallen Hero Marker is located. There is also a prompt via Google maps that gives you directions to get to each marker. Please contact us if you know of a Hero who may be missing.
PFC Sergio S. Abad
PFC Christopher Justin Abston
SGT Michael D. Acklin II
CPT Clayton Lee Adamkavicius
Sgt Cory Allen Adkins
PVT Steven Jeffery Adkins
COL Kathleen Rowe Agnew
Cpl Roger Alvin Thomas Akers
SFC James T. Alcorn
SSG William Alvin Allers III
SPC Jason Eric Ames
Sgt Steven Matthew Anderson
PO1 Nancy Lynn Arnold
PVT Adrien Edmund Deangelo Augustin
SFC Troy Dell Bargo
CW2 Kenneth Lee Barker
Sgt Richard Clark Beaty
SSGT Brock A. Beery
CWO3 Dale Wayne Benton
CPO Gregory J. Billiter
SFC Jason Lee Bishop
LCpl Thomas Michael Bishop Jr.
SPC Eric S. Bivins
Capt James Bernard Blackmon Jr.
SPC William G. Bowling
PO1 Kent M. Brandt
TSgt Maurice Britt
A1C Justin David Brummett
MSG Thomas L. Bruner
LCpl James Thomas Bullen
SPC Jason Scott Burnette
SrA Wesley Merrick Burress
SGT Michael C. Cable
Sgt Jason D. Calo
TSGT Anthony C. Campbell Jr.
CPL Joseph H. Cantrell IV
SSG Nicholas R. Carnes
AMN Christopher Michael Chapell
SFC Kristopher D. Chapleau
PV2 Peter S. Cimino
Sgt Stephen Erik Clemons
SSG Thomas W. Clemons
CPL Gary B. Coleman
LCpl Chase Johnson Comley
SGT David K. Cooper
SGT John E. Cooper
SFC Lance S. Cornett
SSG Joshua T. Crupper
MSG Clinton W. Cubert
LTC Brian D. Curry
A1C Kerry A. Daley
SFC James S. Davenport
SGT Matthew L. Deckard
SGT Alan R. Decker
SSgt Joshua David Dennison
SFC Robert V. Derenda
Cpl Nicholas J. Dieruf
Cpl Joseph H. Dosker Jr.
SGT Charles Lee Dougherty
LTJG Travis Michael Douglas
PFC Stephen P. Downing II
CMSGT Thomas Gerald Downs Jr.
PO1 Michael Lawrence Doyle
SSG Joe L. Dunigan Jr.
PO1 Edward Thomas Earhart
COL Mark Alan Eastman
LCpl Thomas P. Echols
SGT Robert W. Ehney
PO2 Justin Michael Elliott
A1C Chad Allen Ellis
SSG Jordan B. Emrick
SPC Charles Andre Everett II
SrA Gregory Wayne Ezzard
SSgt Daniel Neil Fannin
CPL Aaron M. Faust
CSM Wayne Alva Fausz
SFC Douglas Brent Flatt
SGT Ronald Joseph Forsyth II
SPC Timothy Fulkerson
PO2 Taylor Joseph Gallant
SPC James W. Gardner
SPC Jeremiah Daniel Garrison
SPC Nathaniel D. Garvin
SGT Alex M. Garvin
SrA Roy Adam Gibbons
CWO3 Jonathan S. Gibson
LCpl Chadwick A. Gilliam
SPC Brian Gorham
2LT Jeffrey C. Graham
SPC Kevin J. Graham
PV1 Lank Junior Graves
PFC Joshua A. Gray
SPC Steven Glenn Griffin
DN Sean Bartholomew Grimes
PFC Dustin D. Gross
SPC Jeremy R. Gullett
PO2 Brian Elliott Hallback
SSG Santiago M. Halsel
SSG Christopher N. Hamlin
LCpl Matthias N. Hanson
TSgt Michael Keith Hardesty
SGT James William Harlan
PFC Michael A. Harris Jr.
PFC Michael Ray Hayes
Sgt Christopher T. Heflin
1LT Robert L. Henderson II
1LT William Tyler Hicks
SCPO Thomas Kern Higgins
SFC James T. Hoffman
PFC Alva Lorenzy Holland
SSgt Christina Lynn Hope
SSG Bennie Lee Horn
MSG Elizabeth Hovis
SGT Jonathan Russell Howard
SGT Jonathan A. Hughes
LCpl Timothy M. Jackson
SFC Nickie Bruce Jones II
SFC Charles J. Jones
SPC Anthony William Keserich
MSgt Timothy Ray Kiefer
Maj Keith Jon Kocan
LCPL Olivia L. Kustes
SPC Christopher A. Landis
LCpl Sean M. Langley
LCDR Jane Elizabeth Lanham
CW3 Scott Coleman Lathram
SSG Keith David Lawson
1SG Phillip D. Lawson II
PO2 Victor Lewis
Cpl Timothy D. Lewis
PFC Marcus X. Lewis
Lt Col John D. Loftis
SFC Michael Troy Longest
LCpl Robert A. Lynch
SPC Ricky Adam Lynn
PFC Russell E. Madden
SSG Kerry Wayne Manion
CAPT James Robert Martin
PO2 Dominique Jacquez Martin
1LT Scott Thomas Mcewan
SPC William L. Mcmillan III
SN Geoffrey Dae Hee Mcmillin
SCPO Larry Gene Meador
PFC Scott A. Messer
SFC Norman Gene Middleton
MSG Pauufi Paulo Mikaele Jr.
SSG Abigail R. Milam
LCDR Regina Pearl Mills
MSgt Mark Robert Mohedano
SGT Ryan J. Montgomery
PFC Joshua M. Moore
SFC Lawrence E. Morrison
SFC John D. Morton
PO1 Robert Lawrence Mudd
SPC Peter Lawrance Mullins
PFC Brandon S. Mullins
MAJ Michael Lewis Mundell
PV1 Brian Keith Murphy
SrA William Wayne Nagel III
PFC Dustin P. Napier
SMSgt Jeremy Kenneth Nelson
Col Brent Andrew Norris
PVT Nathaniel A. Norsworthy
SSG Steven Gregory Ochs
SSG Michael Flynn Oconnor
SGT Atta Panin Okyere
PO3 Johnny Allen Henry Oliver
LCpl Deshon E. Otey
Capt James Albert Page
LCpl Adam D. Peak
PFC Charles Adam Pfetzer
SFC Christopher W. Phelps
PFC Sammie E. Phillips
PV1 Brandon T. Pickering
SGT Leonard A. Pitman JR
LCpl Timothy J. Poole
SGT Darrin K. Potter
SPC James E. Powell
PO3 Kevin Lytle Price
PFC Michael S. Pridham
LCpl Adam Thomas Puckett
LCpl Kelli Michelle Rawlings
SGT Adam J. Ray
SGT Tatjana Reed
LCpl Thomas Reilly Jr.
SSG George S. Rentschler
SA Eric Scott Richards
SGT Robert Ridlon Jr.
SPC Ryan Dennis Orin Riley
PFC Travis Blake Roark
PFC Timothy Jordan Rogers
CPT Matthew D. Roland
PV2 Terrence Robert Roney
SGT William P. Rudd
SN Jessy Earl Sampson
1LT William Blake Satterly
A1C Robert Nevins Scott
SPC Justin A. Scott
PFC Robert J. Settle
PV2 Corey S. Shackelford
LTC Mark Landers Sherman
SGT James Alexander Sherrill
SPC Oliver Franklin Shortt
TSgt Christopher Glenn Shultz
SGT Randolph A. Sigley
CPL Windell Jeryd Simmons
LCpl Justin D. Sims
SSG Garth D. Sizemore
SFC Matthew S. Sluss-Tiller
SPC Glenn Scott Stanfill
Sgt Dewayne Michael Stapleton
SSG Christopher Todd Stout
SGT Jeremy R. Summers
SGT Joseph M. Tackett
PVT Nathan D. Taylor
SPC David Wayne Taylor
PO2 Aaron John Teets
Capt Eric Daniel Terhune
CPO Collin Trent Thomas
LCpl Jonathan B. Thornsberry
SrA Jonathan Lee Threatt
PFC Joshua K. Titcomb
SPC Eric L. Toth
SPC Megan Lynn Touma
TSgt Martin Allen Tracy
ENS Daniel Allen Trembula
CPT Daniel Haynes Utley
SGT Ronna Reanna Valentine
PO1 Ronny Steve Vigilant
PFC Timothy R. Vimoto
SGT Daniel W. Wallace
LTC Michael Shane Wallace
A1C Matthew Lee Ward
SGT Joshua A. Ward
Cpl Christopher Tyler Warndorf
PFC Theodore M. West
LCpl Kyle L. Westfall
SSG Delmar White
PO2 Jeffrey Louis Wiener
SGT Justin Garrett Wilkerson
SPC Ronnie D. Williams
Sgt David Neil Wimberg
Cpl Matthew Thomas Winkler
SSG Gary L. Woods Jr.
SSG Michael J. Woosley
SPC Christopher S. Wright
SGT John C. Wynn
PFC Mekee Xiong
1LT Eric Yates
PO3 Joshua Adam Yeckering
SFC William A. Zapfe